and because a picture is worth a thousand words, it's rather critical to invest in a digital camera. I always carry my little Nikon Coolpix. It's inexpensive and captures descent shots.
As much as I really prefer being behind the camera, I realize it's important to show potential customers my success. So I grin and bear it!

- if you're meeting with a new client, take a picture.
- if you have a company retreat, take a picture.
- if you launch a new product, take a picture.

What you do with these photos is key. A monthly or quarterly newsletter emailed or snail mailed to customers and potential customers is PR101.

While CS Corporate would be delighted to create such documents for you, honestly
you could do it yourself with a Mac and Pages which is a part of the iwork software.
The P.R. Sidebar: There is no event too big or small to share in a well designed newsletter with clients and potential clients.
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